Sunday, January 12, 2014

Ergonomic Design

    Design changes so much from time to time, it functions for the needs and the lifestyle of that particular time. With the technology changing so fast these last couple of years, design has to cater for our new developments and our needs. Ergonomic design applies findings from the study of anthropometrics and is an analysis of the relationship between the human for our surroundings. It performs better and is more user friendly and easier to maintain. Today designers in their designs think about people with disabilities or old people, who might need a specific design for a certain object to be better to handle than others. Today design is based more on weaknesses rather than strengths. 

    Micheal Boulay created this set of cutlery that can be easily be used by a motor skills of a handicapped hand. The function of the cutlery and the way of holding them grow together in parallel. These designs were tested on various disabled children and it resulted that the shape of their handle is much easier to use that a normal-shaped cutlery. Being handicapped isn’t synonymous with remaining handicapped, and progress is always possible and designs like this will help the person develop even further. Most probably someone without disabilities will find these cutlery difficult to use because their shape isn’t designed for our kind of hands.

    The set of cutlery on the right are designed by Normann Copenhagen and are made from mat steel. Their shape is the kind of cutlery a person without any disabilities is familiar to. Their flat handle is the perfect shaped handle for their kind of hands. A person without any disability finds this design more functional than the Micheal Boulay one. Many people find this kind of design so for granted because it has been the same for so many years, that they won’t even realise that a person with disabilities might find a different design much better to use.

    The Vertebra is a great example to explain ergonomic design. It is the first automatically adjustable office chair ever invented. It was introduced in 1976 and the design responds and adapts to the movement of the user’s body. It also provides comfort and support. This is a great chair for those who stay seated in front of their desk for long hours every day. It could also be very handy for old people who will find this seating very comfortable for their back. Lower back pains cause to those people who have few support on their chairs and to those who don’t do proper exercise. This chair will help with the pains because it will adjust automatically with the posture of your back.

Overall ergonomic design is the design that works in harmony with the human body. Products are safer and more user friendly.

Made in Design 2014
Micheal Boulay 2013
The Metropolitan Museum of Art 2013
All searched on the 10th of January 2014

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